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Event URL & answer URL

1. Answer URL

1.1. App-to-app, App-to-phone

When the client makes a call from the app by calling the makeCall method of the Stringee SDK, Stringee Server sends a HTTP GET request to Your Server. Your Server must return a SCCO object to control the call such as: call routing, block call...

Stringee Make a app-to-app call

The Answer URL (answer_url) is configured in your project on Dashboard. The request which Stringee Server sends to Your Server is in the following format:


in which

HTTP Method: GET

Field Type Description
from String Corresponding to the from parameter which passed to the makeCall() method.
to String Corresponding to the to parameter which passed to the makeCall() method.
custom String Corresponding to the custom parameter which passed to the makeCall() method.
fromInternal Boolean True: in an app-to-app, app-to-phone call. It means calling from the app
userId String User ID
projectId Long Project ID
callId String Call ID

1.2. Phone-to-app, Phone-to-phone

When having an incoming call to the Number which you've bought from Stringee, Stringee Server sends a HTTP GET request to Your Server to get a SCCO object.

Stringee Make a phone-to-app call

The Answer URL (answer_url) is configured in your Number. The request which Stringee Server sends to Your Server is in the following format:


in which

HTTP Method: GET

Field Type Description
from String Caller number
to String Called number (your Stringee Number)
fromInternal Boolean False: in a phone-to-app, phone-to-phone call.
uuid String Call UUID

2. Event URL

When the state of the call/room changes, Stringee Server notifies Your Server by sending a HTTP POST.

Call events:

1.1. App-to-app, App-to-phone

Event URL (event_url) is configured in your Project.

1.2. Phone-to-app, Phone-to-phone

Event URL (event_url) is configured in your Number.