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@protocol StringeeCallDelegate <NSObject> 

A delegate used to Monitors the call states and medias.

- didChangeSignalingState:signalingState:reason:sipCode:sipReason:

Invoked when the call's state changes between: calling, ringing, answered, busy, ended:
- stringeeCall: A StringeeCall instance.
- signalingState: The state of the call. For more information, see SignalingState
- reason: The description of the state.
- sipCode: The sip code returned when the call is an app-to-phone call.
- sipReason: The description of sip code.

- (void)didChangeSignalingState:(StringeeCall *)stringeeCall signalingState:(SignalingState)signalingState reason:(NSString *)reason sipCode:(int)sipCode sipReason:(NSString *)sipReason;
- didChangeMediaState:mediaState:

Invoked when the call media state changes between: connected, disconnected:
- stringeeCall: A StringeeCall instance.
- mediaState: The call media state defined in the MediaState enum. For more information, see MediaState

- (void)didChangeMediaState:(StringeeCall *)stringeeCall mediaState:(MediaState)mediaState;
- didReceiveLocalStream:

Invoked when the local stream is initialized and available to be rendered to a view:
- stringeeCall: A StringeeCall instance.

- (void)didReceiveLocalStream:(StringeeCall *)stringeeCall;
- didReceiveRemoteStream:

Invoked when the client receives a remote stream and can render it to a view:
- stringeeCall: A StringeeCall instance.

- (void)didReceiveRemoteStream:(StringeeCall *)stringeeCall;
- didReceiveDtmfDigit:digit:

Invoked when the client receives a DTMF:
- stringeeCall: A StringeeCall instance.
- digit: DTMF code

- (void)didReceiveDtmfDigit:(StringeeCall *)stringeeCall digit:(NSString *)digit;
- didReceiveCallInfo:info:

Invoked when you receive info from another client:
- stringeeCall: A StringeeCall instance.
- info: Data received in JSON format.

- (void)didReceiveCallInfo:(StringeeCall *)stringeeCall info:(NSDictionary *)info;
- didHandleOnAnotherDevice:signalingState:reason:sipCode:sipReason:

Invoked when the call is implemented on another device:
- stringeeCall: A StringeeCall instance.
- signalingState = SignalingStateRinging, the call is also ringing in another device
- signalingState = SignalingStateAnswered, the call is answered from another device.
- signalingState = SignalingStateBusy, the call is rejected from another device.
- signalingState = SignalingStateEnded, the call is hanged up from another device.
- reason: The description of the state.
- sipCode: The sip code returned when the call is an app-to-phone call.
- sipReason: The description of sip code.

- (void)didHandleOnAnotherDevice:(StringeeCall *)stringeeCall signalingState:(SignalingState)signalingState reason:(NSString *)reason sipCode:(int)sipCode sipReason:(NSString *)sipReason;